Whānau Concert
Saturday 16 September at 3pm.
A free concert for the community, especially KIDS!
Whānau Concert
Saturday 16 September at 3pm.
A free concert for the community, especially KIDS!
Come and hear a sneak preview of the band’s repertoire for the
NZ Concert Band Association Festival 2023.
Donations welcomed
Sunday 23 July 2023 at 2pm
St Andrew’s Church Centre
11 Vincent Street, Howick
“MCB Disassembled”
Join the band for an evening of fantastic concert band music and watch as the band disassembles into smaller ensembles to display the talents of the brass, wind and percussion players.
Tickets $15 general admission from Eventfinda.
Informal seating, ticket price includes a platter of finger food at the table. Hot drinks served at the interval.
“Light and Shade”
A free concert for the community.
Join the Manukau Concert Band for an afternoon of stunning music – a little light, a little dark, but a lot of entertainment!
3pm – St Andrew’s Church Centre, 11 Vincent Street, Howick
Entry by donation, includes afternoon tea.
Come and try out playing with the Manukau Concert Band!
This is an opportunity for confident players of all ages of at least Grade 5 ability to rehearse with the band for the evening. We have vacancies across all sections – woodwind, brass and percussion. Bring your instrument and music stand. All music will be provided along with a shared supper with the band members. Assemble from 6.45pm for baton down at 7.00pm.
Join the Manukau Concert Band for its final concert of the year, with a whole host of cracking good festive goodies and some of the band’s favourites, including A Christmas Festival, Frosty, Jingle Bells, and more.
St Andrew’s Church Centre, 11 Vincent Street, Howick
Saturday 10 December@ 7pm
Entry by donation.
Supper for a gold coin.
Join the Manukau Concert Band for a wonderful evening of popular old-time favourites from the likes of George Gershwin, Duke Ellington, Bert Kaempfert, Irving Berlin and many more.
St Andrew’s Church
11 Vincent Street, Howick
Entry by donation with supper for a gold coin. Proudly supported by the Howick Local Board.
A free event for the community at:
Puhinui School, Papatoetoe,
Saturday 10 September at 3.00pm.
All welcome.
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Centre
11 Vincent Street, Howick
Sunday 24 June, 2pm
Manukau Concert band is delighted to be back to entertain the East Auckland community with a free concert. Join us for a trip around the world and beyond, with our showcase of musical postcards. A light supper will be available for a gold coin donation. This event will be carried out under the Covid Orange Traffic Light settings – no limit on numbers, masks need not be worn.